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How to Continue an Application in Progress?


Applytoeducation Team

Step 1 : Access your application(s) from the Account Summary page in the Portfolio or the Applications in Progress page in the Job Postings section.

Step 2: Put a check mark beside the application you wish to continue and click the Continue button

Step 3: Go through the incomplete section(s) indicated on the page. You will generally find this information at the top of the page.

Step 4: Once you save the last section, you will be able to submit your application by clicking on the Submit button.

Note: You receive 3 Confirmations when you successfully submit your Portfolio to a job posting:

  1. A pop-up advising you of your successful application submission
  2. An email confirmation with the details of the posting
  3. The posting appears in your Job Application Log under the Job Postings section

If the job posting is not listed in your Job Application Log page, then you have not successfully submitted your application to the posting