The following manuals will provide you with instructions on how to navigate ApplyToEducation as a PD administrator, as well as answer many of the questions that may arise while using the site.
1. In the Scheduler section, click on Manage/View PD Events.
PD events may only be deleted if there are no registered participants in the event. Select the event which requires removing and click Delete at the bottom of the Manage/View PD Events page.
Cancelling a PD Event:
Cancelling a PD event will cancel the entire Event for all registered attendees.
In the Scheduler section click Manage PD Events and click on the Description for the event you would like to review.
On the PD Event Details page, click Deactivate PD at the bottom of the page to cancel the PD event and send a cancellation email to all registered attendees.
A customized cancellation email message can be created on the Send Email for PD Cancellation page and then click Send. Once sent, all registered attendees will be cancelled for the PD Event and the event will have a new status of “cancelled”.
Cancelling a PD Session or Day:
To cancel a PD session or day of a multi-day session follow the steps below to unregister attendees and send a customized cancellation notice to registered attendees.
In the ‘Scheduler’ section click ‘Manage PD Events’ and click on the Description for the event you would like to review.
On the ‘PD Event Details’ page in the PD Calendar right click on the Session date to view the menu options. Click on ‘Cancel Day’ or ‘Cancel Session’ to cancel all attendees to the session or day.
A customized cancellation email message can be created on the ‘Send Email for PD Cancellation’ page and then click SEND. Once sent, all registered attendees will be cancelled for the PD session or day, and the session will have a new status of “cancelled”.