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Why am I Having Trouble Applying?


Applytoeducation Team

When you’re not able to apply, please check the following:

Position Category

Your account must be registered in the same Position Category as the job.

Your position category is listed in the Account Summary page of the Portfolio.

The job category is listed in each posting. Your account must be registered in the same category in order to apply.

Purchase Credits

You will need a credit with the employer in order to apply for external postings.

You can do this in the Purchase Credits section of your account when you click on ApplyToEducation Credits.

A job posting will also prompt you to purchase a credit if one is needed in order to apply.

Mandatory Documents

The job description page lists the mandatory documents you must include in your Portfolio in order to apply.

Mandatory documents are uploaded in the Supporting Documents page of the Portfolio. Click here for more instructions.

Incomplete Sections

You will have to complete the Personal Info and the Who Can View My Portfolio page of your Portfolio in order to apply for job postings.

Complete the Personal Info page in the Portfolio.

Complete the Who Can View My Portfolio page of the Portfolio. Answer any Mandatory Questions that appear.