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Search Job Postings and Apply


Applytoeducation Team

Step 1: Click on Search Jobs in the Job Postings section.

You will see two (2) search bars at the top where you can search for job postings.

The search bar on the left side (Job Title or Keyword) allows you to search directly by Job Code, Position Title or any keywords found in the job posting.

The search bar on the right (Location or Employer) allows you to search directly by City, Province or employer name.

After you perform your initial search using the search bars, you can further filter your criteria by using the filters on the left.

This will allow you to filter by job category, school location, employers, closing date, etc.

Step 2: Click on the Position Title on the job posting to review the job description page

Step 3: Answer any job posting related questions and ensure any mandatory documents are uploaded in your Portfolio.

Step 4:  Click the Apply button on the bottom right-hand corner of the page.

You receive 3 Confirmations when you successfully submit your Portfolio to a job posting:

  1. A pop up advising you of your successful application submission
  2. An email confirmation with the details of the posting
  3. The posting appears in your Job Application Log under the Job Postings section

If the job posting is not listed in your Job Application Log page, then you have not successfully submitted your application to the posting.