EdRecruit: Diversity Hiring and Building Inclusive Workplace Cultures

Event Date:
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Time of event:
9:00 am
4:00 pm

Join us for an in-person training day focused on diversity hiring. This “how-to” workshop is focused on building a legally sound and effective teacher hiring process that deepens the diversity of your candidates and mitigates bias through all stages of the hiring process.

Where: 245 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 430 (Applytoeducation headquarters) map


Hiring is the entry-way to your organization’s workforce. As such, the process should be well-planned and strategically constructed so that your efforts to attract, assess, and select diverse candidates are maximized. 

This workshop will de-mystify what it means to hire for diversity and will provide participants with a better understanding of relevant research, theory and hands-on tools that can support them in building a strong, diverse selection process.

After participating in the webinar, you will be able to:

- Define terms related to diversity and inclusion

- Understand what diversity hiring is and what it is not

- Appreciate the related benefits of making this a focus  

- Understand how bias shows up in the hiring process and how to challenge it

- Identify tools to deepen diversity in your candidate pools

- Practice how to challenge assumptions and bias during an interview process

- Explore related legal issues that need to be considered in designing hiring processes

Participants will receive a variety of checklists, resources and tools to support you in your diversity hiring efforts. Participants will also receive a copy of Janet Stewart’s book, Hiring Well: Building Strong Selection Practices in K-12.  

Who should attend: HR staff with responsibility for hiring and those who sit on hiring committees in a school board setting including human resource staff, principals and vice principals.



Janet is the founder of Stablehouse Solutions and its K-12 subsidiary EduSelectServices; a K-12 consultancy focused on supporting school districts’ human resource practices. Janet has held a variety of senior and executive leadership roles within the British Columbia K-12 sector and led several complex teacher recruitment and selection efforts. Her book, Hiring Well: Building Strong Selection Practices in K-12 was published in April 2021.  Janet now works full-time as a facilitator, consultant,and leadership coach. She is a qualified mediator, a Professional Certified Coach (ICF), and holds a CPHR designation (BC/Yukon). She is a faculty member with Queen’s University IRC and is the lead facilitator for their Leading Human Resources Program.


Price Includes: Coffee/tea, drinks, snacks throughout the day, a full lunch, and cocktail hour.

1 person: $895 + tax

2+ persons: $795 + tax per person

To register or for more information, contact Christina Hemeon at chemeon@applytoeducation.com or 416-932-6781 to register


9:00 am– Welcome & Introductions

9:15 am - Stages of a comprehensive selection processes

9:45 am – Defining diversity, inclusion, and equity withinthe context of hiring

10:45 am - Research and best practices in diversity hiring

11:15 am – Investigating the impact of “identity” within the process

11:45 am – Bias and assumptions  

Noon– Lunch break

1:00 pm– Exploration of bias – case studies

2:00 pm – Legislative considerations

3:00 pm - Chairing the interview panel

3:30 pm – Case study and demonstration

3:45 pm – Wrap-up and summary

4:00 pm -5:00 pm -Networking and Cocktail hour